Domestic, Family Sexual Violence Reduction Division
The Office of Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence Reduction provides policy advice and leadership across government and to the Minister for Children and Families, in order to prevent and respond to domestic, family and sexual violence.
The work of the Office is guided by the Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence Reduction Framework 2018-2028: Safe, Respected and Free from Violence. This Framework outlines the Northern Territory Government’s strategy to prevent and respond to all forms of domestic, family and sexual violence, in partnership with the non-government and community sectors. The Framework articulates a shared vision and commitment for a future where women and children are safe, respected and free from violence.
The Framework will be implemented over its 10 year cycle through a series of three rolling Action Plans, with the Office responsible for overseeing the implementation, in conjunction with a Cross Agency Working Group that includes government and non-government representatives.
The Office works in partnership with Northern Territory, Australian, state and other territory agencies, domestic, family and sexual violence specialist services, Aboriginal and community controlled organisations, business and community groups to progress policy and initiatives that prevent and respond to domestic, family and sexual violence.
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