16 Days of Activism: Aboriginal Medical Services Alliance Northern Territory
Aboriginal Medical Services Alliance Northern Territory (AMSANT) is the peak body for Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services (ACCHSs) in the Northern Territory. On Day 15 of the 16 Days of Activism, we highlight AMSANT’s advocacy work and critical role in building safer and healthier Aboriginal communities.
Established in 1994, AMSANT advocates for equity in health and supports the provision of high quality, comprehensive primary healthcare services for Aboriginal communities, controlled by Aboriginal communities. The organisation represents the views of its members through policy, planning, research and advocacy, and supports members to deliver high quality and culturally safe health care that addresses the social determinants of health.
AMSANT considers all factors contributing to people’s health, including social and emotional wellbeing, and the complex traumas experienced by Aboriginal people. The organisation advocates for culturally safe approaches to reducing domestic, family and sexual violence (DFSV) in Aboriginal communities. These approaches acknowledge the strength and resilience of Aboriginal people, and recognise how DFSV intersects with the impacts of colonisation and systemic racism.
Listen to CEO of AMSANT, John Paterson, deliver a powerful message about how the sector must come together and work in consultation with Aboriginal people and communities to prevent DFSV, and how Closing the Gap must be at the centre of creating safer, healthier communities.
If you or someone you know is experiencing DFSV and is in immediate danger, please call 000. For further support, contact the 24hr helplines or support services on the Northern Territory Government website. Other support services and helplines for Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander people include: