16 Days of Activism: Larapinta Child & Family Centre
Larapinta Child & Family Centre provides early learning and care services for children from pre-birth to 5 years, and targeted support services for families. We shine a light on how the centre’s programs work to reduce DFSV as part of the 16 Days of Activism.
Co-located on the grounds of Larapinta Primary School, Larapinta CFC offers an integrated service model that links children and families into other crucial services. In addition to early childhood care and services, the centre offers targeted support services for families with complex needs, including parent education, family support programs, and allied health and wellbeing services.
One of the important programs Larapinta CFC offers is Families as First Teachers (FaFT), an early learning and family support program for remote Aboriginal families. The program aims to improve developmental outcomes for remote Aboriginal children and takes a dual generational approach, emphasising child and adult learning.
Larapinta CFC have also collaborated with Tangentyere Council on the ‘Boys Can Girls Can’ project. This project provides models of equal and respectful relationships to children to address the harmful gender stereotyping that can lead to gender-based violence.
Learn more about these programs and about what we can all do to prevent or respond to domestic, family and sexual violence in the video with Cassie Boyle and Rachel Jericho.
If you or someone you know is experiencing domestic, family or sexual violence and is in immediate danger, please call 000. For further support, contact the 24hr helplines or support services on the Northern Territory Government website. Other support services and helplines for Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander people include: