Domestic and family violence risk assessment and management

The Northern Territory Government Domestic and Family Violence Risk Assessment and Management Framework (RAMF) provides a consistent and evidence-based way to identify, assess, respond to and manage domestic and family violence risk across the Northern Territory.

Domestic and Family Violence Risk Assessment and Management Framework

The  Northern Territory Government Domestic and Family Violence Risk Assessment and Management Framework PDF (1.5 MB) (RAMF) provides a consistent and evidence-based way to identify, assess, respond to and manage domestic and family violence (DFV) risk across the Northern Territory.

The RAMF is a key action under the Northern Territory Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence Reduction Framework 2018-2028 Safe, Respected and Free from Violence PDF (2.8 MB) and is a key component of the DFV Information Sharing Scheme.

The purpose of the RAMF is to increase the safety and wellbeing of victim survivors of DFV, and to increase the accountability of people who commit DFV.

When assessing and managing the risk of DFV, it is important that services work together, sharing evidence based understanding, language and approaches.

RAMF Practice Guides

RAMF Practice Tools

RAMF Training

We will be releasing the upcoming RAMF dates before the end of January 2025.

More information

For more information about RAMF training please read the FAQs PDF (1.2 MB) or contact

If you cannot access the upcoming RAMF trainings in your area, there is a travel subsidy to support your attendance.

For more information, read the Factsheet - reimbursement for RAMF training travel costs PDF (431.8 KB).

You can also access the upcoming RAMF Trainings via Eventbrite website.

Common Risk Assessment Tool (CRAT)

The CRAT is an evidence based tool used to assess DFV risk, particularly the risk factors which are predictive of harm or death of a DFV victim survivor.

From 1 February 2021, for DFV victim survivors assessed as being at serious risk of harm or death, the CRAT can also be used to refer a client to a Family Safety Framework meeting in Alice Springs, Darwin, Katherine, Nhulunbuy, Tennant Creek, Yuendumu. This is discussed further in RAMF Practice Guide 3 – Managing DFV Risk.

Organisational Implementation of the RAMF

The RAMF is intended to guide and support  all services, whether or not they are Information Sharing Entities (ISEs) under the DFV information sharing scheme, to better identify, assess and respond to DFV risk. ISEs are legally required to align all relevant policies, tools, procedures, and practice guidance with the RAMF, under section 124R of the Domestic and Family Violence Act 2007. While non ISEs are not legally obliged to align with the RAMF, they are encouraged to due to the benefits for both workers and clients.

What are the benefits of aligning with the RAMF?

  • For ISEs, aligning with the RAMF means complying with legislative obligations.
  • Aligning with the RAMF will help keep victim survivors accessing services safe and support them to recover and thrive.
  • Early identification of DFV can prevent the escalation of violence.
  • Aligning with the RAMF will provide workers with increased capability and confidence to identify, assess and respond to DFV.
  • Consistent and collaborative practice in the workforce will help provide a more coordinated response, benefiting workers and clients.
  • Workers will be supported for their own safety and wellbeing as DFV affects employees too.

An organisational implementation guide PDF (789.6 KB) has been developed to support government agencies and non-government organisations in implementing the RAMF within their own organisations. The guide provides tips and checklists for activities to be undertaken as part of implementation, including aligning current policies, practices and tools with the RAMF.

This guide should be read in conjunction with the RAMF itself, and in particular PART A of the RAMF.

Family Safety Framework

The Family Safety Framework (FSF) is part of the Northern Territory Government’s ongoing commitment to respond to victim survivors at serious risk of DFV.

The purpose of the FSF is to provide an action-based integrated service response to victim survivors of DFV who are at serious risk of injury or death.

FSF meetings operate in Alice Springs, Darwin, Tennant Creek, Katherine, Nhulunbuy and Yuendumu. The operational lead of the FSF is the Northern Territory Police, and the policy lead is provided by Department of Children and Families.

The FSF was introduced in Alice Springs in July 2012 as part of an Integrated Response to Family and Domestic Violence Project PDF (17.4 MB), established with assistance from the Northern Territory Government and the Australian Federal Government. The FSF was expanded to Katherine, Tennant Creek, Darwin and Yuendumu in 2015, and Nhulunbuy in 2016.

The Family Safety Framework PDF (449.8 KB) was reviewed in 2016-17.

The Family Safety Framework Operational Guidelines PDF (1.0 MB) outline how the Family Safety Framework operates in the Northern Territory and the roles and responsibilities of members who attend Family Safety Meetings on behalf of their organisations and clients.

Emergency contacts, services and mandatory reporting

For local service providers and women’s shelter and outreach services in your area, see support contacts.

In an emergency call the police on 000 or 131 444.

Under Northern Territory (NT) law, all adults over 18 must report domestic and family violence and child abuse to NT police.

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