Domestic, family and sexual violence reduction
Domestic, family and sexual violence reduction framework 2018 to 2028
The domestic, family and sexual violence reduction (DFSV) framework 2018 to 2028 represents our 10 year strategy to reduce domestic, family and sexual violence. It builds on the achievements of the Northern Territory Government’s previous domestic and family violence strategy - safety is everyone’s right. This new framework - safe, respected and free from violence - reflects our combined efforts, knowledge and ideas to reduce violence and work together to achieve safer homes, communities, workplaces and schools.
Domestic, family and sexual violence reduction framework 2018 to 2028 PDF (2.8 MB)
Action plan 1
Action plan 1: Changing attitudes, intervening earlier and responding better (2018 to 2021) focuses on the first phase of implementation and describes how government will implement actions under 5 key outcomes:
Domestic, family and sexual violence reduction framework 2018 to 2028 action plan 1 PDF (2.7 MB).
In 2023, a review of action plan 1 was completed. A summary report presents the review findings into the implementation and governance of action plan 1, and a final progress status report has also been prepared.
Summary report PDF (1.4 MB)
Summary report DOCX (616.9 KB)
Final status report PDF (881.7 KB)
Final status report DOCX (111.4 KB)
Action plan 2
Action plan 2: Taking stock, evaluating and reviewing, and building on what works 2022 to 2025 focuses on the second phase of implementation and describes how the government is continuing to implement the 5 key outcomes.
Domestic, family and sexual violence reduction framework 2018 to 2028 action plan 2 PDF (1.0 MB)
Action plan 2 detailed deliverables PDF (415.1 KB)
The public biannual report includes AP2 action updates every 6 months. AP2 reporting and monitoring is a critical component of accountability across the Northern Territory government for progress towards achieving key actions.
AP2 Biannual report Jan-Jun 2024 DOCX (155.0 KB)
AP2 Biannual report Jan-Jun 2024 PDF (1.1 MB)
Mapping report
Action plan 2 was developed following the comprehensive mapping and assessment activity undertaken by the Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence Interagency Coordination and Reform Office (DFSV-ICRO). This is summarised in the final DFSV-ICRO mapping report.
Critical to the Northern Territory Government’s prevention and response to DFSV is our ability to reflect on our past efforts, our current response, identify systemic gaps and issues, and draw on the evidence and knowledge base to inform future investment and progress opportunities for reform.
The DFSV-ICRO mapping report summarises the results of the mapping for each agency, and provides a comprehensive analysis of the prevalence rates in the Northern Territory, and the gaps, opportunities and proposals for reform. This forms the evidence-based foundation for the actions included in action plan 2.
Domestic, family and sexual violence mapping report PDF (2.0 MB)
Domestic, family and sexual violence mapping report DOCX (589.1 KB)
Monitoring, evaluation and accountability plan
The monitoring, evaluation and accountability plan supports the DFSV framework and its action plans. It lays out our theory of change, and how the DFSV framework and action plans will be monitored, how we will measure the impacts of our actions, and how we will communicate this information with our stakeholders to deepen our collective understanding of DFSV.
Cross Agency Working Group
The implementation of the Northern Territory’s DFSV framework 2018 to 2028: safe, respected and free from violence is being overseen by a Cross Agency Working Group (CAWG) PDF (617.7 KB).
The CAWG will drive collaboration, engagement, information sharing and problem resolution as Territory Families and its partner organisations implement action plan 1: changing attitudes, intervening earlier and responding better (2018 to 2021) PDF (2.7 MB).
The CAWG meets quarterly and releases a communique after each meeting.
- December CAWG communique 21 PDF (621.9 KB)
- August CAWG communique 20 PDF (622.1 KB)
- May CAWG communique 19 PDF (744.0 KB)
- February CAWG communique 18 PDF (542.5 KB)
- November CAWG communique 17 PDF (617.2 KB)
- August CAWG communique 16 PDF (191.1 KB)
- May CAWG communique 15 PDF (627.5 KB)
- March CAWG communique 14 PDF (847.9 KB)
- August CAWG communique 12 PDF (324.4 KB)
- May CAWG communique 11 PDF (614.0 KB)
- February CAWG communique 10 PDF (616.6 KB)
- October CAWG communique 9 PDF (200.0 KB)
- May CAWG communique 8 PDF (479.3 KB)
- February AWG communique 7 PDF (547.3 KB)
- December CAWG communique 6 PDF (554.2 KB)
- October CAWG communique 5 PDF (265.5 KB)
- August CAWG communique 4 PDF (127.3 KB)
- June CAWG communique 3 PDF (229.4 KB)
- April CAWG communique 2 PDF (306.3 KB)
- January CAWG communique 1 PDF (178.6 KB)
Membership of the group includes Northern Territory government representatives, non-government representatives, and representatives from Aboriginal Controlled Community Organisation peaks.
Member organisations
- Territory Families, Housing and Communities
- Aboriginal Medical Services Alliance Northern Territory
- Central Australian Family Violence and Sexual Assault Network
- Darwin Domestic and Family Violence Network
- Department of the Attorney-General and Justice
- Department of the Chief Minister and Cabinet
- Department of Education
- Department of Health
- Katherine Local Reference Group
- NT Correctional Services
- NT Council of Social Service
- NT Legal Assistance Forum
- NT Police, Fire and Emergency Services
- Tennant Creek Local Reference Group
- Top End Remote Safe House Network.
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